Lava Cake, an Indica-dominant hybrid cross between Grape Pie and Thin Mint GSC, is a very rare strain known for its delicious flavor. With a chocolaty taste and minty fruity exhale, this is a strain that is hard to forget.

Many smokers of Lava Cake will claim it allows them to relax, but can also make them feel quite out of it. Other effects of this strain will cause one to feel sleepy, happy, and hungry. Most smokers of Lava Cake will use it to help with depression, anxiety, and migraines.

The buds are easily recognizable by its large, dense nuggets which usually are dark olive green and big clear trichomes. The aroma tends to be more earthy with hints of chocolate, mint, and fruit.

Sativa/Indica: 30% sativa, 70% indica
Cannabinoids: 15-18% THC, 0% CBD
Terpenes: geraniol, limonene, pinene

Grow Information:

  • Difficulty: moderate
  • Height: <84 in.
  • Yield: 10-16 oz./m2
  • Flowering: 56-63 Days

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