A cross between Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies, Wedding Cake (also known as Pink Cookies or Birthday Cake) is an Indica-dominant hybrid. Despite the name, the taste is anything but! With its tangy and sour flavors, Wedding Cake has both medical and recreational uses.

As many smokers of Wedding Cake would say, it causes them to feel relaxed, euphoric, and slightly giddy. This strain is commonly used to help depression, anxiety, insomnia, and various types of pain. Because of its mental and physical effects, this strain can cause individuals to engage in activities such as art and exercise.

Wedding Cake is recognizable by its tight, brownish-green, curling leaves. It is also threaded with bright orange hairs and high concentrated trichomes. With its name being Wedding Cake, this rich strain is a perfect way for you and your partner to evoke passion, intimacy, and emotion.

Sativa/Indica: 40% sativa, 60% indica
Cannabinoids: 25% THC, >0.1% CBD
Terpenes: myrcene, humulene, caryophyllene
Flavors: sour, tangy, citrus, creamy

Grow Information:
● Difficulty: easy (perfect for new growers)
● Height: short-medium
● Yield: 21 Oz / m2
● Flowering: 7-9 weeks

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