Too much of a good thing is bad! The same holds true for marijuana; the healthy grass has undeniable health benefits, but what happens if you take too much of it? If you take too much marijuana, you may develop marijuana tolerance, a condition in which your body no longer reacts to your regular dose. Fortunately, you can fix it with a marijuana tolerance break.

A marijuana break, also called a “T Break,” involves temporary cessation of marijuana consumption to reset the body’s tolerance level. But, should you take one? When?  

Today, we’re exploring the ins and outs of marijuana tolerance breaks, and whether or not you should take one. But, before we get into details, let’s talk about how tolerances develop in the first place.

How Does Marijuana Tolerance Develop?

When you use marijuana regularly, your body develops a tolerance for it. Like every other active substance you ingest, it builds up in your body, and this build-up lowers your body’s reaction to it.

The process behind tolerance is not fully known, and scientists are still studying this complex phenomenon. However, brain imaging carried out on regular cannabis consumers shows that chronic consumption of marijuana causes a depletion of THC receptors in the brain.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active compound in marijuana, works by affecting the cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors in the brain. If you consume marijuana regularly, it will overwhelm your CB1 receptors and deplete them over time. As a result of this depletion, your CB1 receptors will need a higher dose of marijuana for you to feel the effects.

Tolerance builds up with regular use, but it’s unknown how long it takes to develop. Several factors that influence marijuana tolerance are:

There are no specific symptoms for marijuana tolerance, if you find that you need a higher marijuana dose to feel its effects, you’ve built up a tolerance, and you need a weed break.

READ MORE: What is a Therapeutic Dose of CBD?

Taking A Marijuana Tolerance Break 

If you’ve built up a tolerance and want to reset your body’s reaction to marijuana, the most common method is taking a marijuana tolerance break.

As the name implies, you break from consuming marijuana so that your body has time to replenish depleted CB1 receptors. While regular and excessive use of marijuana can deplete your CB1 levels, this is not permanent; the receptors can return to normal levels in the absence of continued marijuana use.

There’s no defined tolerance break length, and there’s no set time for how long it takes CB1 receptors to return to normal levels. It’s all up to you; you’ll have to pay attention to the process and discover what works for you.

Research has shown that you can significantly reverse tolerance after two days without consumption, that is, 48hrs of total abstinence from marijuana.

Some people may find it difficult to take complete abstinence from marijuana for two days because they have developed a dependence on marijuana. In this case, a more manageable break process is advised. Gradually cut down the frequency and dose of consumption until you take a complete break.

High-dose cannabis consumers may need a longer break period to reverse the effects of tolerance.

How Often Should You Take a Tolerance Break? 

marijuana tolerance break; hand on a clock

Whether you are consuming marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, it’s important to keep your consumption at a manageable level so that the body is not overwhelmed.

Doctors and scientists are yet to study marijuana break rigorously, but physicians who work in the marijuana industry and patient advocacy groups have suggested a 48-hour break every 30 days. 

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated With a Tolerance Break

You have to be prepared for slight withdrawal symptoms accompanying a tolerance break. Research has shown that the prevalence rate of withdrawal symptoms among users who take a marijuana tolerance break is nearly 50%. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Headache
  • Nausea

Cannabis withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable but manageable; on average, they disappear after three days or 72 hours. To deal with these symptoms, drink lots of water, get plenty of rest. You can get over-the-counter medication to deal with headaches and nausea.

You may feel tempted to use cannabis while going through the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, but don’t!

To help with this, get a friend to hold you accountable, so you don’t slip up. 

Other Methods of Fighting Marijuana Tolerance

If you’re using medical marijuana to manage a health condition, a break might be difficult and adversely impact your health. So, here are other methods you can try.

  • Use marijuana products with high CBD content: Cannabidiol (CBD) is another active ingredient found in weed, and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive and does not deplete CB1 receptors. CBD won’t get you high, but it has many health properties, such as reducing pain and inflammation. Choose products with a high CBD-to-THC ratio; that way, you consume less THC and still get your health benefits.
  • Dosage control: Use only as much cannabis as you need. Don’t indulge. The less you consume, the less likely you are to develop tolerance.

READ MORE: Undo Your MMJ Tolerance With UNDOO | Relaxing With Cannabis: How to Stay High Longer

How to Ensure High Marijuana Tolerance Doesn’t Happen Again

CBD bottle; marijuana tolerance

Once you’ve reset your CB1 levels after your tolerance break, you need to keep your consumption under control to ensure tolerance does not reoccur. To do so, keep these things in mind:

  • Use products with low THC: THC is the compound that causes tolerance; choose products with low quantities of this active compound.
  • Reduce the frequency of cannabis consumption: You won’t build up a tolerance if you don’t consume marijuana regularly and in large quantities.
  • Use CBD instead: This is especially important for users who want to reap the health benefits of cannabis. CBD won’t make you develop tolerance, and you can still enjoy the health benefits of marijuana without getting high.

Stay in Control With Elevate Holistics

If it’s canna-related, we have the answers and solutions. With Elevate Holistics, you don’t have to worry about tolerance because we have all the information you need to make informed decisions on your cannabis journey.

If you’ve built up tolerance already, no problem — we can help. We are committed to bringing you the health benefits of cannabis and guiding you on this journey to better health. Take the first step and contact us today.

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