Outer space continues to captivate humanity with its mesmerizing and unexplained phenomena. But fear and excitement surrounding the unknown take hold when a new discovery is upon us… However, with Kosmik’s latest release, only excitement is to be expected (unless you’re one of their competitors).


0800 HOURS: It has been roughly one year since Planet Kosmik has discovered another Black Hole, or since their astronaut Komet first came across the legendary Abyss. With no new developments, Komet is going where no man (or astronaut) has dared to go before – deep into The Abyss, possibly never to be seen again…

1000 HOURS: Two hours have passed since Komet left on his journey in an attempt to explore limits further than ever before, and after several failed attempts to make contact, we fear Komet may be gone forever. One look at the dark and ominous depths of the unknown and our team mourns what fate may await our beloved astronaut…

2100 HOURS: Houston, we have made contact! After 13 hours of no word from our bravest explorer, Komet, we have confirmation of three new discoveries… Surviving the warps of space and time are gummies unlike anything humanity has seen before. Prepare for lift-off…

NEW Black Hole

For the past year, Kosmik’s award-winning Black Hole has been available in four spectacular flavors. Well today, the lineup has expanded to five as Kosmik introduces Black Hole Red, another exciting, classified flavor.

NEW Abyss

That’s not all! Until today, The Abyss was only available in just one flavor. Chronic pain patients can now treat their symptoms and explore their limits with two more extraordinary flavors: Blue and Green.

Staying true to their initial approach, these new flavors remain classified, with just a color as their unique identifier. Kosmik remains on top as they continue to meet the demand for high dosage options in the Oklahoma market, curating a heightened and individualized experience through classified flavors. All three new flavors will be available for purchase in the Oklahoma market and will be offered in the following dosages:

  • Black Hole Red – 1000mg per bag | 100mg per piece
  • The Abyss Blue – 2000mg per bag | 200mg per piece
  • The Abyss Green – 2000mg per bag | 200mg per piece


If you own a licensed dispensary and are interested in carrying Kosmik edibles, you can learn more about their Products by visiting their Products page. If you are interested in becoming a licensing partner or collaborating with Kosmik Brands, you can contact them here.

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