Although it lacks the general familiarity of flower, vape carts, and edibles, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has a very strong and loyal following when it com... KEEP READING
What says fall more than pumpkin desserts? So this month we are busting out our favorite Thanksgiving dessert, with a little twist to help get you through the h... KEEP READING
With how popular CBD has gotten in recent years, more and more people incorporate the cannabinoid into their daily routines. But, this increased consu... KEEP READING
A balanced hybrid, Silver Ghost comes from Super Silver Skunk x Ghost OG. Prominent terpenes include Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene. Flora Farms... KEEP READING
Every day, it seems as though there’s a new cannabis term on the market. Just as you got familiar with the D8 cannabinoid, now, we’re introducing delta-10 THC. ... KEEP READING
Friday and Saturday, October 25 and 26, the Kind Goods Manchester location will host a patient drive event with Nugg MD. The event, ‘Bring your Buds,’ encourage... KEEP READING
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Medical Marijuana Regulation Program announced an end to the administrative hold in Metrc for a ... KEEP READING
Similar to the question regarding how to add a home cultivation license (click here to find out!), another one we’ve been receiving is how can I qualify as a lo... KEEP READING
Please note the following is for informational purposes and is not to be considered medical advice. Always consult your physician for more informa... KEEP READING
Wet vs Dry Trimming and what not to do
The outdoor harvest season is long but is finally nearing its end. Congratulations on your upcoming harvest.... KEEP READING