Pros, Cons, and Things to Know
Winter is the easiest time to grow indoors. The humidity is lower outdoors which can help keep the humidity lower ... KEEP READING
How much of your weed-infused brownie is enough for a nice high? How does one even measure dosage in brownies? We all know that too much of anything can be bad;... KEEP READING
There’s something special about Mac n Cheese. As a comfort food, you can’t really ask for much more – unless you combine comfort food with cannabis. Chef Charle... KEEP READING
When looking for the best medical cannabis product to alleviate the symptoms of an illness, we almost always pay attention to the CBD and THC content – and noth... KEEP READING
How does cannabis work?
Just like your respiratory and cardiovascular systems, everyone has an endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system has an important job:... KEEP READING
The holidays are upon us and it’s time for a Holiday Gift Guide from your friends at Patients. While there are several new and different types of pro... KEEP READING
The holidays are a stressful time for everyone, but they can be especially challenging for those of us who are navigating how to get the relief we nee... KEEP READING
Just a few years ago, vaping weed meant that you had to take some time to set up your vape kit before you could enjoy some bud. That also meant that y... KEEP READING
Out of all of Missouri’s qualifying conditions for treatment with medical marijuana, chronic pain is the most common among Missouri Marijuana Card’s pat... KEEP READING
Inside the cannabis plant, you have hundreds upon hundreds of compounds that give the buds the characteristics we know and love. One of those types of... KEEP READING